Getting Bloggy First Blog ever en-us NYK RSS Feeder How do you feel? Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:38:31 -0400<p>Over the years one of my biggest challenges as a chiropractor has been helping people understand that symptoms are not the best indicator of health expression. In fact, symptoms are almost always&nbsp;the last thing to show up as a body moves from optimal health to symptomatic dis-ease.</p> <p>The best example of this is a cavity in a tooth. Can you feel a cavity as it starts to deteriorate the tooth? Not usually. It isn&#39;t until the disease has eroded the tooth to the point that sensory nerves are affected and a signal is sent to the pain centers of your brain that you&nbsp;realize that&nbsp;there&nbsp;might be a problem.</p> <p>You have a couple of choices with regard to your dental health. You can optimize the health of&nbsp;your teeth and gums early in life by daily brushing and flossing and regular dental visits <u>OR</u> you can wait until you experience the symptoms of tooth decay. Easy choice for most of us.</p> <p>The exact same is true of your spine and nerve system. You can choose to optimize the function of your spine and nerve system through regular life-time care OR you can wait until you experience the symptoms of spinal decay. Easy choice.</p> <p>The next time someone asks you how you feel; tell them you feel great because you have the assurance that your spine and nerve system are functioning optimally not just because you don&#39;t have symptoms.</p> <p>A&nbsp;lack of symptoms is not the same as being optimally healthy.</p> <p>Until next time.</p> <p>Dr. Mike Mathes</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>